Business model & Integrated Reporting

Strategic discontinuities can take many different forms, such as a major repositioning, a move to a simpler, lower-cost operating model, or a fundamental change in the relationship with suppliers. Investors and other key stakeholders are assessing companies in a holistic manner integrating non financial and financial information.

Integrated Reporting aims at increasing organizational alignment toward strategic goals and value creation in the context of the changing business environment. Implementing Integrated Thinking within your organisation leads to integrated decision-making and actions that consider the creation of value over the short, medium and long term. The result is greater confidence in making value creating decisions based on relevant quality information and analysis.

Implementing Integrated thinking, we assist You:

  1. Identify and assess future business trends and clarify Your business model
  2. Map Your key stakeholders and determine the information about material matters
  3. Foster Integrated Thinking among all teams
  4. Prepare an Integrated Report